Entries by Gulf Coast Bankruptcy Attorney

How to Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy may be the best decision for you if you are suffering from high amounts of debt. However, while filing for bankruptcy can help to discharge your debts or create a manageable repayment plan, it’s important to know that a bankruptcy filing will have a major impact on your credit score. To be […]

The Effects of Bankruptcy on Co-signers and Guarantors

There are many situations in which a person may turn to a co-signer or guarantor in order to secure a line of credit, loan, or another form of financing. For example, if a person is buying a house but cannot qualify for the loan on their own, they may ask a parent to co-sign. Similarly, […]

Bankruptcy and Tax Debt: What You Need to Know

If you have thought about bankruptcy, chances are that your understanding of bankruptcy is that filing for bankruptcy will eliminate your debts and give you a clean slate moving forward. While it’s definitely true that bankruptcy can provide a fresh start, it’s important to understand that not all debts are forgivable in a bankruptcy filing […]

How Does Bankruptcy Impact My Credit Score and Financial Future?

When you are facing large amounts of debt, understanding all of your options for getting your finances under control and improving your financial future is important. Depending on the specifics of your situation, options that may provide economic relief include debt consolidation, refinancing, creating a budget, or working with a debt counseling or financial planning […]

When Should I Consider Filing for Bankruptcy?

Managing your finances responsibly may sound like an easy task, but for many, making smart financial decisions isn’t always as obvious as it seems. From accidents and unexpected illnesses that lead to medical debt to low-paying jobs and layoffs that cut income streams, there are dozens of legitimate reasons why a person may be struggling […]

What is the Role of a Trustee in My Bankruptcy?

If you’ve decided to get a fresh start on your financial situation and file for bankruptcy, you’re going to be interacting with several professionals throughout the process. Among these are your bankruptcy attorney, the bankruptcy judge, and a bankruptcy trustee. Balancing the interest and rights of the debtor against those of their creditors is one […]

How Do I Deal with Credit Reporting Errors?

When it comes to your finances, there are a few things that can have a bigger impact on your financial opportunities and future—including your ability to secure a mortgage loan, buy a car, take out a new line of credit, and more—than your credit score. Indeed, lenders will always look at your credit score before […]