Managing your finances responsibly may sound like an easy task, but for many, making smart financial decisions isn’t always as obvious as it seems. From accidents and unexpected illnesses that lead to medical debt to low-paying jobs and layoffs that cut income streams, there are dozens of legitimate reasons why a person may be struggling […] Coast Bankruptcy Coast Bankruptcy2023-02-01 13:54:322024-01-08 17:00:57When Should I Consider Filing for Bankruptcy?
The urge to spend during the holiday season can be overwhelming. Not only are there dozens of holiday activities that may cost money to participate in, but you may also be trying to buy for everyone on your list. In fact, studies show that for the 2022 holiday season, about 70 percent of Americans plan […]
If you’ve decided to get a fresh start on your financial situation and file for bankruptcy, you’re going to be interacting with several professionals throughout the process. Among these are your bankruptcy attorney, the bankruptcy judge, and a bankruptcy trustee. Balancing the interest and rights of the debtor against those of their creditors is one […] Coast Bankruptcy Coast Bankruptcy2022-11-08 07:59:482024-01-08 16:49:40What is the Role of a Trustee in My Bankruptcy?
When it comes to your finances, there are a few things that can have a bigger impact on your financial opportunities and future—including your ability to secure a mortgage loan, buy a car, take out a new line of credit, and more—than your credit score. Indeed, lenders will always look at your credit score before […]
Filing for bankruptcy is a huge decision. And while filing for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can provide you with the financial relief that you need, the process requires multiple steps that can be confusing to the layperson. One of the most important parts of a bankruptcy case is the 341 meeting, which […] Coast Bankruptcy Attorney Coast Bankruptcy Attorney2022-08-17 09:07:282022-08-17 09:07:28What Is a 341 Meeting and How Do I Prepare?
Facing large amounts of financial debt can be extremely stressful. Even if you’re earning money, you may be subjected to wage garnishments, which can add to the pressure of an already overwhelming attempt to manage your funds. While there are many options for managing debt and seeking debt relief, bankruptcy could be the most appropriate […]
Facing the burden of enormous amounts of debt can cause stress and anxiety about the future. If you’re hiding from creditors, have been threatened with repossession or litigation, and are unsure of how you will get a handle on your debt, it’s time to start thinking about bankruptcy. However, before you file for bankruptcy, it’s […]
Depending on where you live, it’s often a necessity to own a car for work, school, and other daily necessities. When you’re struggling to make ends meet, you might fall behind on your vehicle payments in addition to some other credit accounts. Having your car repossessed would make a stressful situation even worse. Repossession of […] Coast Bankruptcy Attorney Coast Bankruptcy Attorney2022-04-29 12:00:082022-05-06 09:58:10Will My Car Be Repossessed If I File for Bankruptcy?
Credit card debt is a leading cause of unmanageable finances. According to Experian, the average credit card balance of Americans is $5,525, with some states having average credit card debt as high as $7,089. Those are significant figures, but many families are able to pay down debt when it gets too high. But what if your […] Coast Bankruptcy Attorney Coast Bankruptcy Attorney2022-03-15 09:20:562022-05-06 11:23:42What Happens to My Credit Card Debt If I File for Bankruptcy?
Student loan debt in the U.S. has reached a staggering $1.75 trillion. While these loans are often used to further higher education, the debt remains a significant problem for many people because of its heavyweight on individuals and their finances. People are often wary of including student loan debt in bankruptcy filings because they do not […]
When Should I Consider Filing for Bankruptcy?
/by Gulf Coast BankruptcyManaging your finances responsibly may sound like an easy task, but for many, making smart financial decisions isn’t always as obvious as it seems. From accidents and unexpected illnesses that lead to medical debt to low-paying jobs and layoffs that cut income streams, there are dozens of legitimate reasons why a person may be struggling […]
Bills, Bills, Bills—Dealing with Debt Around the Holidays
/by Gulf Coast Bankruptcy AttorneysThe urge to spend during the holiday season can be overwhelming. Not only are there dozens of holiday activities that may cost money to participate in, but you may also be trying to buy for everyone on your list. In fact, studies show that for the 2022 holiday season, about 70 percent of Americans plan […]
What is the Role of a Trustee in My Bankruptcy?
/by Gulf Coast BankruptcyIf you’ve decided to get a fresh start on your financial situation and file for bankruptcy, you’re going to be interacting with several professionals throughout the process. Among these are your bankruptcy attorney, the bankruptcy judge, and a bankruptcy trustee. Balancing the interest and rights of the debtor against those of their creditors is one […]
How Do I Deal with Credit Reporting Errors?
/by Gulf Coast Bankruptcy AttorneyWhen it comes to your finances, there are a few things that can have a bigger impact on your financial opportunities and future—including your ability to secure a mortgage loan, buy a car, take out a new line of credit, and more—than your credit score. Indeed, lenders will always look at your credit score before […]
What Is a 341 Meeting and How Do I Prepare?
/by Gulf Coast Bankruptcy AttorneyFiling for bankruptcy is a huge decision. And while filing for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can provide you with the financial relief that you need, the process requires multiple steps that can be confusing to the layperson. One of the most important parts of a bankruptcy case is the 341 meeting, which […]
Garnishments: How Does Filing for Bankruptcy Impact Garnishments?
/by Gulf Coast Bankruptcy AttorneyFacing large amounts of financial debt can be extremely stressful. Even if you’re earning money, you may be subjected to wage garnishments, which can add to the pressure of an already overwhelming attempt to manage your funds. While there are many options for managing debt and seeking debt relief, bankruptcy could be the most appropriate […]
What Are Alternatives to Bankruptcy?
/by Gulf Coast Bankruptcy AttorneyFacing the burden of enormous amounts of debt can cause stress and anxiety about the future. If you’re hiding from creditors, have been threatened with repossession or litigation, and are unsure of how you will get a handle on your debt, it’s time to start thinking about bankruptcy. However, before you file for bankruptcy, it’s […]
Will My Car Be Repossessed If I File for Bankruptcy?
/by Gulf Coast Bankruptcy AttorneyDepending on where you live, it’s often a necessity to own a car for work, school, and other daily necessities. When you’re struggling to make ends meet, you might fall behind on your vehicle payments in addition to some other credit accounts. Having your car repossessed would make a stressful situation even worse. Repossession of […]
What Happens to My Credit Card Debt If I File for Bankruptcy?
/by Gulf Coast Bankruptcy AttorneyCredit card debt is a leading cause of unmanageable finances. According to Experian, the average credit card balance of Americans is $5,525, with some states having average credit card debt as high as $7,089. Those are significant figures, but many families are able to pay down debt when it gets too high. But what if your […]
Can Student Loans Be Discharged in Bankruptcy?
/by Gulf Coast Bankruptcy AttorneyStudent loan debt in the U.S. has reached a staggering $1.75 trillion. While these loans are often used to further higher education, the debt remains a significant problem for many people because of its heavyweight on individuals and their finances. People are often wary of including student loan debt in bankruptcy filings because they do not […]